Come to the dark side, we have cookies!

Oh! Cookie.. uhm.. okay, let's face it: This isn't the dark side, kinda looks like the grey site (actually that wasn't intended, thanks blogspot for not uploading pictures like I want you to. Luv ya.). Unfortunately, I don't have cookies either. I could bake some, but then this post would never go online.
No cookies, no dark side, no nothing. You may ask yourself, "Why am I here and moreover, why am I actually reading this?". Because I tricked you into it, didn't I? Okay, I'm getting way too halloween-y.

Livography - what's that about? By now I'd say, I want it to be about

  • travelling, because like St. Augustine said, "The World is a book and those who do not travel read only one page". I think I only made it through the preface yet, long way to go.
  • music, because silence is overrated.
  • photography as itself.
  • videography, because making videos is awesome!
  • fashion, maybe.
  • me, myself and I, kinda doesn't work without that, does it?
  • everything else I love and decide to share here.
I tried blogging for years now, which went like this:
  1. "Posting. Posting. Posting. Well, these posts suck. I'll better delete them."
  2. "Oh yeah, let's do this! First blogpost already." - 3 months later - "First blogpost already. Uhm."
  3. "Nice, I'll do a blogpost about that! Just need to overdo the blog-design first, that shouldn't take too long." - 2 hours and 48 minutes later I was probably still changing the colors, because I couldn't decide which one I liked best.
  4. One time I even thought it would help to 'move' the blog. "Hey wordpress, want to be my new blog-buddie?" Like that would change anything. Hours later (surprise!) I found out that I had less opportunities and was more pissed than before. 'Yay' went to 'nay' and wordpress was history within a day.
etc, etc. 

Maybe (and really maybe. No promises anymore.) this time I'll make it. 
Posting regularly & not deleting everything afterwards. 

And what I really wanted to say all this time: Welcome to my blog

Sneak peek: Get ready for Milan, dawgs!

By the way, le sister (on the right) also has a blog.


  1. Oh, so wie dir ging es mir auch IMMER! Seit guten 5 Jahren bin ich immer mal wieder am bloggen, und gebe es dann doch immer wieder auf - allein die Anzahl der Blognamen, die ich schon verbraucht habe, puh..!
    Hoffentlich halten wir beide es diesmal durch, ich finde deine Bilder echt super, und die Videos am Ende sind eine gute Idee !
    Liebe Grüße,
    Lilinzki aka Liliy

    PS: Bewundere es, dass du einen Blog auf facebook geteilt hast: ich persönlich habe immer noch Angst die WWW-Welt meinen Real-Life-Freunden zu zeigen. Aber vielleicht trau ich mich das auch mal ;)

    1. Moah danke! :) Das Problem mit den Blognamen hab ich auch recht lang gehabt, aber vor einer Zeit hab ich mich dann entschieden den jetzigen für länger zu behalten. Das mit Facebook ist bei mir auch immer so eine Sache eigentlich, aber ich hab dann so Momente wo ich mir denk "ach, egal!" und dann post ich einfach mal was und die einzige Reaktion ist normalerweise ohnehin erstmal ignoriert zu werden haha. Von dem her freut mich so ein Kommentar von dir natürlich noch mehr, sonst hätt ich wahrscheinlich niemals von deinem Blog erfahren! Hab ich gleich was neues zum Durchschauen. :D
